Collage for kids
1-Contact Paper Collages
Have you ever used adhesive shelf paper with your toddlers?It is the best material to have on hand.The paper is already sticky,so the young ones can easily create without the mess of glue.This easy scrap paper pumpkin collage was just one of the many collages we have made with our sticky paper and it is perfectly festive.Cut a pumpkin shape from the adhesive paper,tape to the wall,peel of the lining and let your little ones stick away.We used scrap black and orange consruction paper pieces that I prepared beforehand.Check out another easy idea like this one (a contact paper monster) over.
- Adhesive paper
- Construction paper
- Scrap paper,sticky paper
- Peel
- Glue
2-Contact Paper Easter Eggs
What needed:
- Contact paper
- Tissue paper
- Pom poms
- Buttons
Easter has come and gone but got some really fun activities out of it.Contact paper with color paper,kids do the rest with offcuts,tissue paper pom poms and buttons.

3-Contact Paper Tree
- Contact paper
- Leaves(spring or fall)
- Jewels
- Whiteboard
Contact paper tree. HE was playing with dry erase markers on the easel this morning when she sparked a brilliant idea.I grabbed some contact paper and silk leaves and drew a tree outline in the whiteboard.She filled it all up with leaves to fill out the tree.She got some jewels and used those for the trunk.So pretty.
The silk leaves and jewels are just a few of the fun things included in the giveaway a few posts back!
4-Contact Paper Horse
Contact paper horse craft for kids
The final product of three kids happily working at the window,sticking small brown paper to contact paper.
I found some simple horse cut out shapes and cut the horse out and stuck the paper to contact paper,hung it up on the window and put the small brown squares on the window ledge for easy reach.The kids stuck the brown squares and after I mod-podged the backs and hole punched spots to thread the hair through.My daughter decided to do rainbow colors instead of brown and so thought that was the greatest idea ever.
- Contact papers
- Colorful yarns
- Glue and scissors
Have fun…
Hello. And Bye.