We prepared very easy activities about Mother’s Day that you can do at preschool period of your child. You can find art activities, paintings, present ideas, press works, collages… etc. in this page.
Mother’s Day Craft and Art Ideas
It’s Mother’s Day! Is it possible in this world to tell how much we love them? There are no words to describe our love and not only in Mother’s Day but everyday they are in our heart. But this is the best day to make great handworks for celebrating their day. 😊 Let’s see what can we do!

- Mother’s Day Balloon-Yarn-Glue Activity
In this activity, we will make a present for our mothers who feed their children just like a bird. 😊 You need balloons, knitting yarns in the colours you want (you can use another kind of strings unless it is too thin), and paste (white glue) fort his activity.
How to do it?
- First of all, dilute the white glue in a plate.
- Then sop the yarns in white glue and clean the mess from the yarns.
- Blow up the balloons and cover them with the yarns unless the yarns forms a shape.
- Let the yarns to dry out for 2-3 days.
- After they completely dried, puncture the balloons and clean the mess of the balloons from the yarns.
- Lastly, place the pompom mother bird and its chick in it.

2-Mother’s Day Collage Activities
This is the second activity we prepared for the mothers. It is no doubt that every mother is the princess of her child. Let’s make a princess then! For this activity you need pasteboard, petals and glue besides love. This great scented activity is fort he beloved mothers!
3-Bouqets for Mother’s Day
Everyone would admit that mothers’ smell is the best smell in the world. This bouqets are for our mothers even if they do not smell as beautiful as them. It is the most important thing that these all presents are prepared by tiny hands for their mothers. Just like the other activities you need cardboards, graphon papers and glue, besides your love

I wish I could save your smell my beloved mother 😊 It is the best smell in the world.

Being a mother requires patience. Just like how a gardener plants something and wait for it to grow, she grows her child like a plant. You can follow these great flower ideas which are more beautiful than the other, for your patient mother! 😊

4-Mother’s Day Card Activities

We meet good people for good memories in our lives. A small gift for our mothers who play the leading role in our lives. You can find beautiful activities that are prepared from heart figures for your mother who feels your heartbeat even when you are in her tommy. 😊
In this activity we draw pictures on the coloured cardboards and then ornament them with small bowties. 😊

5-Original Handicraft Present Ideas for Mother’s Day

In this activity, to make the pictures made by tiny hands more permanent, we engrave them in the wooden logs.

As we always say, it is not important what you prepared but it is the time you spent for it. 😊 For example in this activity required materials are only a candle, metal bottle tops, colourful ornaments and wicker rope. 😊
Put the melted candle on the bottle tops and paste colourful ornaments. Then make a bowtie around it with the wicker rope.
We can create beautiful memories! 😊

Here in this activity we prepare a beautiful combination for our mothers. The required materials are coloured cardboards, abeslang sticks, coloured silvery eva papers.
6-Cloth Bag Painting Activity for Mother’s Day

The best gift for a mother is from her child even if it is ugly, wrongly written.
The best reflection of love is children as we always say. A mother is a garden in which flowers bloom or the sky where butterflies fly.
Let the flowers bloom on our mothers, let the stars shine on their eyes.
Let our mothers be our infinite sky.
7-Cooking Apron Adornment Ideas for Mother’s Day

If you ask a child which is the best part of his/her childhood, he/she would say the time he/she spent in kitchen with his/her mother. Floury hands of mothers and children. 😊 We thought we could make cooking aprons to make these memories permanent. What we need for this are so much love, plain cooking apron, crayons and tiny hands to make hand printing.
8-Mother’s Day Heart Activities

Feelings are mutual between a mother and her child and a mother’s heart feels her child. Let us prepare these beautiful heart figures which are like their beautiful hearts.
Required materials are colourful ropes and nails.

9-Mother’s Day Board Examples

We have to do panels in a day like this! 😊 You can make these activities on papers in different sizes or on panels. You can take the pictures of what you made to maket hem permanent.
10-Mother’s Day Hand Printing Activities

Isn’t it the best gift which was made by tiny hands’ printing? Here one of the best examples of it.
11-Paper Plate Mother’s Day Craft

This mother’s day,make you give your mother a BİG hug. And moms&teachers,make this easy craft to educate little ones about this special day and teach them about how much mother’s love matters to them.
- Paper plate
- Popsicle sticks
- Glue
This is an especially simple craft and makes me smile every time I animate the lavely hug.Thank you for template(instagram) @4joyofsharing and @milena_the_montessori_monster.:) Happy Mother’s Day to all moms out there.
We listed the best examples of preschool activities step by step for Mother’s Day. Follow us for the best Mother’s Day ideas!