This page includes a colouring and color match activity for your toddler.
Little children who are older than 2 years old like to draw and colour something and it also helps to develop their motor skills about holding a pencil. By the time they are coluring, they will also learn the colours and through this activity, they will learn to match the identical colours with one another.
Match Game
It is very easy to prepare it at your home with basic elements and since it is also easy to play and a short time activity, your toddler will not get bored when playing this useful and educational activity.
Required Materials:
- Colourful Markers
- A Picture to Paint
- Q-tips
- Scissors
- Box
How to do it?
- First you should colour a picture with various colours as you want (you can let your child to paint it if he/she is older than 2 years old).

- Secondly, make little holes in the paper to place the q-tips.
- Cut the q-tips in a half.
- Then, paint the edge of the q-tips with the colours you used in your painting.

- Lastly, put the q-tips in the box.
Now your color match activity is ready to play! You should make your children match the identical colours among the colurs in the paper with the colours of the q-tips. He/she should choose the correct colour and put it in the hole in the paper. This game is really fun and educational about learning the colours and matching them with one another. Hope you enjoy it!

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