1-Fizzing rainbow
Rainbow theme activity for toddlers
Rainbow theme.Fizzing rainbow.For this activity,we placed baking soda evenly on a paper plate,then added drops of food coloring to make a rainbow(I used gel food coloring here),them my little one squirted vinegar onto the rainbow and got to watch the reaction between the baking soda and vinegar and make a beautiful mess.
- Soda
- Vinegar
- Paper plates
- Food coloring
2-Rainbow Craft with Pipe Cleaners
Homeschool pipe cleaners and play dough rainbow craft idea
- Colorful play dough
- Colorful pipe cleaners
3-Pom Pom Rainbows
Pom pom rainbows for toddlers
Pom Pom Rainbows.You can easily create your own Pom Pom puzzles for your little ones by drawing dots on a sheet of paper or cardboard different colors.This one we created was in the shape of a rainbow!Your kids can color match,while working on their fine motor skills and creating a beautiful rainbow.
Haver fun…