Open shut,open shut.
That’s the way we cut,cut,cut.
Fingers on the bottom,thumb on top.
Be sure not to let the paper drop.
Open shut,open shut.
That’s the way we cut,cut,cut
Variation:push pin instead of scissors.Depending on the needs of the child.
green carrot snowman noses perfectly acceptable.
Plastic water bottle snowman craft for homeschool
- Plastic water bottle
- Big googly eyes
- Pom poms
- Cotton balls
- Glue
Happy New Year.
One of my resolutions is to drink more water,so get ready for lots of water bottle crafts.
This morning we made a water bottle snowman.Peanut got some fine motor practice pushing cotton balls in the hole of the empty water bottle,and then had a good time decorating her snowman.Apparently,this is a snowwoman,because Peanut explained that there is a baby in/on her tummy.She is also wearing a party hat,because 2018
Play Doh Snowman
- White play dough
- Felt
- Beads
- Googly eyes
- Pipe cleaners
- Stick
For our snowman’s body, we give the shape of the play dough like the picture.
We put three of them on top of each other.
Now we put its eyes, its nose and its weft.
and other ornaments
Do you want to see the last state?
Snowman Factory Playdough
Snowman Factory.
Another Pinterest idea that I found this week.
We are using the homemade dough from my previous post,plus googly eyes,twigs,pipe cleaners,buttons and carrot matchsticks for the noses.Super fun
Q-Tip Painted Snowman
It’s a lot of fun.We continue to winter craft and activity.
- Q-tips
- Q-tip box
- Blue paper or carton
- White paper
- Small cotton pieces
Snowman Sponge Painting
This snowman craft is made using mini sponges for painting and construction paper for body parts.For an extra challenge show students an example of the picture and see if they can replicate it without step by step directions and task breakdown.
- Mini sponges
- Construction papers
- White paint
- Colorful papers