This page includes five different color matching activities I prepared for my daughter. You can easily prepare these activities at school or at home. You may share them with us or add them to our Pinterest account.
- Color Activity with Pipcleaner Fish
- Color Activity with Pipecleaner Spiders
- Color Activity with Egg Puppets
- Color Activity with Dough Hedgehogs
- Racetrack Color Activity
- Color Matching Bunny Tails
Hello 😊
Today we prepared very fun and colourful activities. 😊
Through the activities children will both learn the colors and develop their fine and gross motor skills.
And they will also have fun! 😊
1-Pipe Cleaner Fish Color Matching

Required Materials
- Coloured chenilles
- Toilet paper rolls
- Coloured cardboards or fancy papers
- Googly eyes for the fish
- A stick or an another object to use as fishing nod
How to do it?
First of all create the fish using the coloured pipecleaner. Then cover the toilet paper rolls with coloured papers according to the colors of fish.
To make a fishing nod, cover an object like a stick, pencil… etc. with pipecleaner.
Place the blue cardboard on a firm soil and put the fish on it. The sea is ready now. 😊
Our little fishers may get started to full the buckets. 😊
And now it is time to have fun with the song of “little red fish”. 😊
All tiny hands on deck. 😊 full the coloured buckets with coloured fish! 😊

2-Pipe Cleaner Spider Color Matching
Required Materials
- Coloured chenilles
- Coloured pompoms
- Silicon gun
- Scissors
- Crayons
- Foam paper
How to do it?
Prepare coloured spiders as using pipe cleaners and pompoms and draw spider webs on a white paper according to the colors of each spider you made.
It’s ready. Let your child match the spiders and their webs according to the colors. It is a very fun activity in behalf of learning the colors.

You can check out our website to see another examples of handicrafts which are prepared with pipecleaner.
3-Colour Activity with Egg Puppets
Required Materials

- Egg shells
- Watermark
- Colourful pipets
- Silicon gun
- Icecream box lids
- Colourful pompoms
- Colourful foam papers
How to do it?
Prepare hats as pasting colourful pompoms on the icecream box lids.
I painted the egg shells with my daughter and paste the pipets in the eggs with silicon gun.
And then we made mouth, nose and eyes with foam paper.
Draw the puppets out and let your child place the right hat to its owner puppet, according to the colours of the hat and the puppet. It is a very important activity for both the language development and for learning the colors.

To speak of the contribution of puppets to the development of children, puppet games develop the imagination and creativity of children. While a puppet show is being performed, they learn a variety of words and think about where to use those words. Besides, puppets contribute the social development like listening, sharing, taking responsibility, contacting with other individuals… etc.. In short, these inanimate objects may turn into very useful education materials if they are used at the right time and used properly.
Activities with puppets will be very useful in many fields of development for the child such as; using the language fluently and properly, using the rules of the language and expressing himself confidently… etc.
4-Play Dough Hedgehogs Color Activity
**You can check out our article entitled “How to prepare play dough at home” to find a play dough recipe to prepare at home.
Support your child’s development through these kinds of fun activites you can prepare with play dough.
Required Materials
- Different coloured play doughs
- Googly eyes
- Coloured toothpick or number sticks (I used number sticks).
How to do it?
First of all get different coloured play doughs and make hedgehogs from them. Use googly eyes for the eyes and black dough for the nose.
Use the coloured number sticks and make quills for the hedgehogs according to their colours. the quills and hedgehogs should be in same colour. For example, my daughter took the red stick and stick it in the red hedgehog. Then we uttered that that colour is red. This activity was also educatory about the development of fine motor skills.

5-Frog Color Matching Activity
Here we are with a great activity! This is a very practical game activity yo ucan prepare at home or at school. We are going to use recycle materials for this game. We are going to match the colors and have fun at the same time.
- Cardboards in many colours
- Toilet paper rolls
- Pipet sor sticks
- Blue nylon to make it seem like a lake (I used rubbish bag).
- Two plush frog hats
How to do it?
I had seen this game on the internet and saved since I liked it very much.
First of all to create a lake view use the blue nylon and prepare leaves, flowes and little fish with cardboards and put them on the lake. Cover the paper rolls with cardboards and make little flags using the cardboards again.

Place the covered toilet paper rolls against the racetrack.

Carry out the activity as putting on the frog hat carrying the flag while hopping on the leaves and finally placing the flag in the correct roll according to the colours, in company with the song of “Little Green Frog”. Isn’t it a great color matching activity?
6-Color Matching Bunny Tails
Required Materials
- Pom Poms
- Colour Popsicle Sticks
- Cartoon
You should definetely try this fun activity. 😊Have fun! 😊
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