This page includes color matching activities with little pom poms.
Pom Pom Color Matching Activities
Developing of skills like writing, drawing, painting are named as eye hand coordination. In this group of skills, development of a preschool child’s control over hand and wrist; flexibility of the hand on the paper, skill of holding pencil, using the fingers properly, using the whole body coordinately, balance and attention are pretty important. Through the activities which develops the using of fingers and in which the handicraft takes place, you can support your child’s development in this group of skills.
In this page we have a couple of activities that develops the eye hand coordination of preschool children. You can easily prepare them at home with basic elements. Let’s get started! 😊
Activity 1
This is a great activity for both the color matcing and the eye hand coordination.
Required Materials
- Lidded foam plate
- Marker pens
- Vagetable reamer
- Colourful pompoms

How to do it?
First of all make circle holes on the foam plate with vagetable reamer and then draw frames around the circles with marker pens, in different colours
That’s it! Your child will pitch the pompoms in the plates through the same-coloured holes with the pompoms. Have fun!

Activity 2
Required Materials
- Carton box
- Marker pens
- Vagetable reamer
- Colourful pompoms
How to do it?
Get a carton box and draw flowers in different colors on the surface of it (You can paste a white paper on the box first).
Then make holes with vagetable reamer right on the midpoint of the flowers.
Now it’s ready! Your child will choose a pompom and pitch it in the box from the same coloured flower with the pompom. It will be very fun!

Activity 3
Required Materials
- Coloured cardboards
- Plastic cups
- Scissors
- Colourful pompoms
How to do it?
Firstly, draw apples on different colourd cardboards.
Secondly, cut them away and make holes on the middle of them.
Then paste them on the plastic cups.
It’s ready. Your child will throw the pompoms to the cups according to the color of the pompom and the apple.

With these very practical and fun activities, preschool children will learn matching the colours and develop their eye hand coordination. Have fun! 😊
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