Toilet paper crafts
1-Toilet Paper Roll Building
Open ended building with old toilet paper roll crafts.Bit tricky as the grooves were too randomly cut.
You can do better.I felt a little incompetent in this regard:)
- Toilet paper rolls
- Scissors

2-Owl Puppet Craft
We are learning the letter ”O” this week.So we made owl puppet together.
We used:
- Toilet paper roll
- Construction paper
- A flower punch
- Glue stick and scissors
My son punched out the flowers for the feathers.My daughter helped glue them on.I am using this as a puppet while I read owl babies to my kiddos.
Tip:save toilet paper rolls in a cabinet for craft fun.They come in handy for all sorts of activities.
And there is a ”craft week” recyclables challenge going on.So, I will enter this!Have a hoot of a time.
3-Weight Scale Craft
How to make balance scale for kids at home
Materials needed:
- Toilet paper roll(big)
- Two apples
- Stick for balance(wooden or plastic)
- Ribbon
- Two paper bowls
An attempt to make scales to measure apples’ weight and to learn about the concept of light and heavy-the opposites.Looks like the one on the left is a bit heavier.When my little daughter gets older I would like to work on a better version of these,for now it just works if two objects are kind of similar in weight.Well,it was fun anyway!
4-Bird Feeder Craft
Homeschool bird feeder project with paper rolls
- Toilet paper rolls
- Peanut butter
- Bird feeders
Made little bird feeders today.Today was the first of ‘‘one of those homeschool days” where it was hard because my oldest had no motivation (maybe this heat is bringing back the lazy summer vibes?) so we made these since we are studying birds this year,and it was fun.
Our toilet paper roll,peanut butter bird feeders are all ready to hang outside.