Caterpillar Feeding Activity
Here is another caterpillar activity that children are fond of making.
- Single use plastic plates
- Fruit pictures
- Pritt sticker
- A Green sock
- Moveable eyes
- Sticky foam
- Silicon and silicon gun
- Craft knife or scissors

- First, we make a hole in the middle of the plastic plates by using craft knife or scissors.
- Then, we attach the pictures that you can find on the website to the plates with the help of Pritt sticker as shown in figure.
- We stick the moveable eyes on the sock with the help of silicon.
- After then that, we place the mouth made of sticky foam and our activity is ready :))

Homeschool the very hungry caterpillar craft with using paper plates
It is time to feed ”the very hungry caterpillar”.
Have your child feed the very hungry caterpillar as you read the story aloud.
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