From an empty shoe box, you can create a lot of training materials that support different skills using a little color paper, a little cardboard, and little different materials.The addition and counting machine very cool.
How to make?
So on this page, I wanted to share with you a piece of hand-made material that allows you and my daughter to learn how to collect. I loved math when I was a kid. I love to design different materials so that my daughter can love math and apply certain concepts in a fun way.
I think that the use of such materials is very useful for the child especially in preschool age group.
This material was very efficient for my daughter to understand the concept of zero. 😊

This material also appeals to young children. Powder puffs thrown from the Rollers also benefit the development of the hand muscles of small children.
Construction stages:
First, we cover the shoe box with pink background paper and glue.
We cut the long roll with a carpet knife and we get two short rolls to collect and collect, and we cover them with purple background paper.
Then we prepare the other long roll for the total part. First, we cut it in half with a carpet knife and cover it with a purple background paper. I covered the interior with purple to make it look aesthetic.
We paste these rolls into the shoe box, just like in the picture.
Now it’s time to prepare the cards that we write the numbers. In the first place, I would create an area where the numbers could be printed and placed. But it didn’t come in handy afterwards.
And I decided to delete this part and write it down again. For this I cut two small pieces from the white cardboard and covered them with a transparent adhesive roller. Thus, your child will have a chance to practice writing numbers. 😊
I stuck the prepared cards like they were. Finally, I placed the signs of collection and equality that I prepared from the yellow sticky house. And here we have our material ready. 😊
In the bottom part I placed a card (designed to be erased as in the collections section) where the result of the collection can be written, the items, the number bars, the number beans, the beads, the puffs that we can collect by throwing the eraser and the roll to delete the result of the collection.
- Your child or you are writing the numbers you want to plus on the above white cards.
- Then, your child’s interest number rolls up to that number of pompom, etc. He/she is throwing it.
- The lower part is counted pompom and how many are written to the card prepared for the result of the plus process.
I wrote my daughter’s name on the outside of the box using sticker and adorned it with number stickers. You can decorate in a different way. We carried such a tiny box with us in this way, and we did a lot of fun work in nature with different objects. You have to try.